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Trusted Counselors and Advocates

With over 50 years of combined experience, the dedicated attorneys at Pedersen Whitehead & Hanby have successfully represented thousands of clients in helping them recover tens of millions of dollars from serious personal injuries. Through our meticulous case preparation and close, individual work with each of our clients, we offer the finest quality legal representation to help you achieve the best recovery possible for your case.

Idaho Accident Lawyers Putting Clients First

Our attorneys take pride in getting to know each of our clients personally so that we can work closely with you to best address your concerns, prepare you for what to expect and alleviate any of your concerns. Our goal is to work with you to help calm your legal anxieties and help restore you and your loved ones to where you were before you suffered your injury.

At Pedersen Whitehead & Hanby, our personal injury lawyers put our clients’ concerns above all else.

We handle a wide variety of personal injury cases, including:

  • Wrongful Death
  • Personal Injury
  • Insurance Bad Faith
  • Fraud
  • Products Liability
  • Professional Negligence
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Mass Tort Experience
  • Toxic, Environmental and Pharmaceutical Torts
  • Tire Defect Litigation
  • Highway Sign and Faulty Design
  • Medical Device Litigation
  • Automobile Accident Litigation
  • Trucking Accident Litigation

Whether you are dealing with a serious brain injury or wrongful death case involving a loved one, we understand the physical stress and emotional toll our clients suffer in the aftermath of an injury. We strive to not only offer the best legal representation available, but also to assist you with medical or other forms of support needed to help you fully recover. We work closely with experienced medical specialists, physicians, investigators and accident reconstruction professionals to help assist you in every aspect of your case and get you the full recovery you need and deserve.

With admissions to state and federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, the experienced Twin Falls personal injury lawyers of Pedersen Whitehead & Hanby are the legal counselors you need to help you recover for your case.

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